7 ways to protect the heart, should hurl !! Like and share the information with others garaum

1. Sutaum at least seven hours: every night, at least seven hours sutaum. If more than eight hours can be hard to sleep. Sleep disorder is the process of damaged body function and diabetes increase the likelihood of persecution. Sleep napugda the risk of arterial calcium deposits, which can artery open form.
2. Your blood pressure should be for ourselves: Blood information is very important. High blood pressure leads to clog the debilitating effects. From 130 ÷ 85 120 ÷ 80 is not considered to hypertension. BP control is healthy and fit to keep his body. For this exercise, reducing obesity, stress-free is better to adopt the measures.
3. Sekendahyanda bacaum smoke: Tobacco may also be eaten by others is equally affected. Two to four hours a carefree day eaten around smoking cigarettes and ate a similar loss leads to ¥ m. This is also a reason for treating smoking.Screenshot_15
4. Daily 30 minutes attained: Exercise helps to increase human life span. In addition, exercise also help to use heartbeat better every day leads to ¥. Budhopana its direct benefit was not seen all over the body. So day to walk at least 30 minutes even though health care is essential. <br> 5. One day a week eat fish: Fish 'omegha -3' oil keeps the heart and arterial smooth movement. It is more beneficial to the heart of man found in protein research by .6. Be satisfied reshaped by economic reasons will never diminish mental stress. Not only looked very human sleep is also detrimental to the heart work capacity. <br> 7. Teeth majhaum: gum diseases would sometimes can cause hrdayaghatasamma. Thus, dental health care can save lives and also heart. _____________
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